Amy Poague: I Continued Living
Photo: Joanna C. Valente

Photo: Joanna C. Valente

I Could Work in a Cube This Small

The pendants dangled in the window,
sparkling glass, color in cubes.  I needed a new life
to gift myself a necklace. My office cubicle 

hung gray against my chest
during the hours 
I continued living.

Tacking up souvenirs, watercolors, sketches of trees
provided a chance I hadn’t had yet: making space
pleasant.  But the watercolors waved and smiled 

from their away, wherever they would be happier.
The cube of aqua glass and a silver chain
were mine before I could find another job.

Giving up on deserving a glittering endeavor was the easy part.  

Amy Poague is an Iowa City-based poet working at a junior high. She holds an M.A. in Creative Writing from Eastern Michigan University. Her work has appeared in 8 Poems, where is the river :: a poetry experiment, The Cabinet of Heed, Juke Joint, The Mantle, SWWIM Every Day, Really System, and Ghost City Review. She can be found online at and on Twitter @PoagueAmy.