Chiara Di Lello: Living Cells
Photo: Joanna C. Valente

Photo: Joanna C. Valente



I cannot compare our life to the bees’

or I can, but would be at a loss

when I get to the honey


but insofar as the long waits

the sealing up of sweetness

to save for later


the dances before each others’ bodies

that are maps, landscapes of a distant

glowing destination, well –

meat science


they call it cell-based not body-based

but what makes a body


when there’s no there, there

is it cold comfort, a clean kill?


if we call it clean what’s

dirty? if you don’t kill it, is it

kosher? how far

for a clean conscience?


lab-grown in vitro ought to be

clear as glass


not fake meat, ultra meat

not Big Ag, cell ag


is it FDA or USDA?

it’s TBD


but you know they don’t cook

in Silicon Valley


what will we stake

on fake steak?


where does the rubber-meat

rubber meet the road


when we’re suckled on that

chicken breast from childhood

can you match that for mouthfeel?


can plants supplant the meat industry?

what does your culture have to say

about cultured meat?


don’t forget your beef

is plant-based, too

this little ton of corn

went to market


Kobe? Okay    but we’d rather

be everywhere

we’d rather you get it

for less


a race to the bottom

of a bioreactor


face the fake meat facts:

it’s salt that salves the senses

and what they bleed for is that

yeast-bred hema


what’s in the bag / in the

burger / in the box


just tell me:

am I eating an animal?

am I eating fear?


if most food products are

Generally Recognized as Safe

then grass-fed beef leads to

GRAS-fed human


and would you rather

eat your ethics

or eat your words?


the idea is not to make a difference

the idea is to make a sale

a tub of living cells

to drown that sacred cow

Chiara Di Lello is a writer and teacher whose work has appeared in Noble / Gas Qtrly, Best New Poets, and Kissing Dynamite, among others. Her loyalties lie solidly with public transportation, public art, and public libraries. Her lessons are peppered with Star Wars references.