Gianfranco Savino: March 2022 Poet of the Month

Photo: Joanna C. Valente

Editor’s Note: Italian version of the poem follows the English version.

A landscape


Right after the storm

the autumn color of the grass is sending sparks.

Oak leaves have already filled the driveway.

And in the dark eyes of those kids,

wet with torrential water, the cables

that an hour before brought the electricity

are now a dark tangle of snakes,

a black magic convulsing between the pools of sun.




Subito dopo il temporale

il colore autunnale dell’erba

manda scintille. Le foglie

di leccio già riempiono il vialetto.

Negli occhi scuri di un bambino

bagnato d’acqua torrenziale,

i cavi che un’ora prima portavano corrente

sono ora un groviglio oscuro di serpenti,

nera magia tra le chiazze convulse del sole.

Gianfranco Savino is an Italian author born in Naples, who is a published philosopher especially active in the field of political theory but with a strong passion for theatre and poetry.