Kristin Garth: Catcall Cocktail Nostalgia

Kristin Garth: Catcall Cocktail Nostalgia

Physical Education


Hate elementary school PE. Run

laps, dress below the knee, a pack of friends

who giggle when your dress ascends.  There’s some

things parents cannot control — the wind,


new teachers who have cool ideas.  Fifth grade

girls, cafeteria stage, 10 year old

male leers.  “It will be like MTV.” Play

pop songs, costumes, choreography, rolled


up skirts, rehearse Toni Basil Mickey,

competing tween gyrations Physical

leg warmers, leotards. Boys go crazy

for bracelets writhing Lucky Star. Catcall


cocktail nostalgia strip club dressing room,

three strippers first stage was the same lunchroom.

Kristin Garth is a Pushcart & Best of the Net nominated sonnet stalker.  Her poetry has stalked magazines like Glass, Yes, Five:2: One, Anti-Heroin Chic, Former Cactus, Occulum, Luna Luna, & many more.  She has a chapbook Pink Plastic House (Maverick Duck Press), three forthcoming: Pensacola Girls (Bone & Ink Press, Sept 2018) and Shakespeare for Sociopaths (The Hedgehog Poetry Press Jan 2019), Puritan U (Rhythm & Bones Lit March 2019) Her full length, Candy Cigarette, is forthcoming April 2019 (The Hedgehog Poetry Press). Follow her on Twitter:  (@lolaandjolie), her weekly poetry column ( and her website (