Stephen O’Rourke: An Abandon That Lords Eternal
Photo: Joanna C. Valente

Photo: Joanna C. Valente



I am a bird, but once I was a man
Weathering the wares of his storm
Now I region wherever I’m fanned
Tethered by the force of a strong gale’s norm
In the spectrum of the sun’s giving rays
Scaling the love of all I’ve ever loved
Riding on the pulse of new days
Renewed, gratefully saved 

Over the rooftops and spires I inspire
Carried by bold dreams that wake me
To all that warm a heart’s hearth to fire
In the bliss of the blessed sky blue sea
With an abandon that lords eternal
I savor the tranquil peace that time stays
As I answer horizon’s call
Living life, as it plays

Stephen O’Rourke works for the BBC and lives in Riverdale, NY with his wife and son. He is an avid fiction and poetry writer. Publishing credits include a short story collection entitled, Pieces & Stems, which was named as a finalist in the Next Generation Indie Book Awards. In addition to writing poetry and fiction, Stephen is also an avid guitar and sitar player.