Jonathan Andrew Perez: The Lake

Broken Ivory Tomorrow


All is crystal and

invigorating at the lake. 


Two boys in scuba gear

prowl the reflective depths. 


The Osprey glides

over the watery outcrops.


A Brown Trout snaps

near the deaf underwater divers. 


A raft ferries the last

of the vacationers over to the log cabin. 


From the look of it, the weather

will not delay tomorrow.

Jonathan Andrew Perez has previously been published in Prelude, Junto Magazine, The Write Launch and Silver Needle Press. Most recently, he was invited and attended The Virginia Quarterly Review 2018 poetry workshop with Jericho Brown.

He has a Master’s in English Literature and African American Cultural Studies from the University of Virginia, and works an Assistant District Attorney in the Kings County District Attorney’s Office as a prosecutor.